Cake and Champagne


Select your preferred cake and Moët & Chandon Champagne.

If Moët & Chandon is not available, we will deliver a French Champagne of similar price and quality.

Please contact us before ordering, because this gift is available for delivery only in selected locations.

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Write a short message to deliver it in a wishing card.

150 characters remaining

SKU: WINE01-1 Categories: , ,

Is anything more romantic or lovely than receiving an unexpected gift of a french champagne and chocolates at your door? This classic combination for him/her never fails to delight. Whether a sorry, a thank you, an anniversary gift or a Valentine’s gift – whatever the message we include a free printed gift card to express it for you.
You can select type of cake and wine (red, rose, white, or sparking wine). Please indicate on ordering notes.